Carta de recomendação para fazer MBA no exterior


Planejando fazer um MBA em uma universidade no exterior? Mesmo em tempos de pandemia as portas das universidades não se fecharam para quem quer estudar no exterior. As ofertas de cursos de MBA estão aí.

Estudar no exterior requer planejamento. Dê seu primeiro passo. Consulte o site da universidade onde você tem interesse em fazer seu MBA. Veja quais as exigências feitas e os documentos necessários para a matrícula. Dentre os vários documentos exigidos quando você se candidata a uma vaga em um curso de Master, está a carta de recomendação de um professor.

Há universidades em que você pode se candidatar para receber bolsa parcial para realizar seus estudos. Foi o que fez uma profissional que foi minha aluna. Como solicitaram a carta de recomendação de um professor, fiz a carta. Para minha felicidade, ela foi selecionada, ganhou bolsa parcial, foi para Nottingham e concluiu o Master com louvor.

Esta foi a carta de recomendação que enviamos na ocasião para a Universidade.

Reference Letter                                                               



To whom it may concern


Dear Sir/Madam,

Hereby I send you a reference letter for [name/surname], who is applying for  the MBA  Business Administration 16 Months Programme at your University (University of …..).

I have known Ms. [name/surname] since [year] as her professor and scientific advisor of her Master´s graduation work/thesis, “The executive secretary/assistant and the management of the relationship and communication process in the Public Administration”, finished in [year].

During the MBS Master of Business for Secretaries programme, held in the city of Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, at [name of institution], she has taken three courses I taught related to Secretarial Duties Management, Executive Assistance/Consultancy Strategies and Administrative Procedures Management.

In these courses she has achieved excellent results and earned excellent grades, with excellent attendance and class participation. [name] always demonstrated her deep interest in subjects related to business administration, corporate communication and interpersonal relationship. She showed willingness and ability to study material beyond limits of the course.

[Name] is an initiative, hard-working and responsible student, self-motivated, intelligent, dedicated person, capable of conducting academic research in accordance with the requirements of a postgraduate school.

I agreed to be her scientific advisor of her Master´s graduation work due to her high academic performance in my class at the MBS programme. As [name]´s advisor I had the opportunity to work closer to her and observe she is able to carry out big amount of work on her own, always doing her best and ready to achieve her goals, as well as her outstanding personal qualities and practical experience.

I believe [name] would perform remarkably in chosen Master´s programme. I recommend her, without reservation, for application to the MBA programme at University of [name].

I am also confident if your organization gives her a financial support to study in [local/city] it will be a great opportunity to [name/surname] to develop further her abilities in the scientific area.

Please feel free to contact me if you need further information.

Sincerely yours,


Professor Wamser, Eliane


Phone: (55 47) XXXXXX

Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil


Se, dentro de seus objetivos de alavancar sua carreira, está em fazer um MBA em uma universidade no exterior, comece!!

Você verá que é possível. Vai por mim!

